
ChatGPT Integration with Oracle Cloud

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The integration of artificial intelligence capabilities with Oracle Cloud aims to extend the advantages of both technologies, providing companies with enhanced tools to innovate, optimize operations and drive growth.

By linking AI capabilities, companies can enhance these tools for tasks such as data analysis, customer relationship management, enterprise resource planning.

  • Check out the platforms we use to develop:

    • Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS);
    • Oracle Integration Cloud(OIC);
    • Oracle Visual Builder Studio(VB Studio);
    • OpenAI API;
      • The frameworks used are:

    • Griptape;
    • Oracle Javascript Extension Toolki(JET);

Through database-based chat, the user can obtain deeper results in real time. The creation of query screens allows the user to filter data by text input in natural language.

The ability to transform natural language into SQL queries and extract real-time insights through database-driven chats pushes the boundaries of what is possible in data analysis and customer relationship management. In a world where continuous innovation and optimization are imperative to success, these integrations signal an era of more informed decision-making, flexibility and adaptability.

Companies that adopt these emerging solutions will be ahead in the digital race, capitalizing on untapped opportunities and navigating confidence constantly evolving business landscapes.